Tuesday 14 August 2018

How can someone apply for a visa for Sri Lanka?

To apply for Sri Lankan ETA you must be a citizen of other country and hold a passport which is valid for 6 months. You can apply online for Sri Lankan ETA by going to government website of Sri Lanka or by visiting www.sri-lankaeta.com and download Sri Lanka visa applicationform. Complete to form by providing accurate personal details and your passport number. Submit it by paying the applicable visa charges and it`s done. You will receive online ETA in couple of hours or maximum within 2-3 days. Readmore...

Sri Lanka  eta visa
If you still having any query regarding Sri Lanka visa

Call on : 0203 142 5150
Visit: https://www.sri-lankaeta.com/

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing such great information.
    It has help me in finding out more detail aboutSrilanka visa
